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Offshore Wind’s Power and Promise

  • Thomas Crane Public Library 40 Washington Street Quincy, MA, 02169 United States (map)

Eighty-four offshore wind turbines rising hundreds of feet above the ocean's surface and anchored about 14 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard will start spinning sometime in 2022. The 800-megawatt project will generate more than 3 million megawatt-hours of electricity, almost as much as the Pilgrim nuclear power plant before it shut down in June. And this is a down payment on the state’s goal of 3,200 megawatts of offshore wind over the next 15 years. Offshore wind will be a massive, and much-needed, influx of new clean energy.

The library and the Quincy Climate Action Network, QCAN are hosting a presentation by John Rogers, a senior energy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, so we can learn more about this influx of offshore wind power and what it will mean for our communities and our future.

This program is happening during Climate Preparedness Week, a state-wide effort organized by Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW).

Watch the QATV interview:

Later Event: September 25
Quincy School Committee Meeting