Quincy is an incredible place. This is something I knew when I first ran for office, and I am still inspired by the work that goes on in our city every day. In every neighborhood, every civic association and non-profit organization, our neighbors and friends give their time and energy to help make our city great. Quincy is a city that cares and that gives, and I am proud to be a part of this.

For the past eight years, I have had the honor of representing you as your At-Large City Councilor, and as Quincy’s first minority City Council President for two of them.

We live in an incredible community. When we work together on behalf of Quincy and each other, we can -- and have -- done great things.

Our city has seen a great deal of changes, and as we continue to grow we also need to ensure that our government does not forget its first priority - serving the people of Quincy.  That is why I ran for office, it is why I love being your city councilor and it will always be my top priority. 

Quincy has given me so much - a wonderful community in which to grow-up, and endless opportunities to serve you and our city.  I want to continue to serve you, and every person who calls Quincy home. 

This is our city.  This is our future, and I am and always will be your voice.